Skitterwits: Little Folk's version of our April Fools' Day. A day of general fummuz, fudging, and cankum! (See the Old Cheshire Dialect archive) Pranks must be played between sun-up and sun-down.
April's Full Moon -
Rabbidge-Moon: A special time for the Night Folk of Lantern Wood. Night Folk celebrate the Full Moon of April, on whose surface they see a giant rabbidge or rabbit/hare. The only folk invited to the celebration at Lantern Wood are the nocturnal animals, and hares and rabbits from all across the lands.
Some other folk like to gather outside Lantern Wood to watch the moon and hear the strange singing.
New Moon -
Beggar's Velvet Day: On the day of April's New Moon, Little Folk traditionally do their Spring Cleaning. Beggar's Velvet is the old Cheshire name for dust found under cupboards, beds etc., or behind pictures, or anywhere really! It would be collected together, rolled up into a ball and placed in a tree as a gift for the birds to use in their nests.
Mulligrubs ends! A huge feast is prepared for the following day, when the wheelbread will be rolled at Oakridge.