C c
cabbage - (1) to pilfer, commit petty thefts (2) to copy
cabbage-yed - blockhead
cacko - to cackle, gossiping talk
cag-mag - (1) carrion (2) any kind of disgusting refuse
caky - a simpleton
*cam - to use pert language "Dunna cam to mey" means don't answer me back.
camperlash - abusive language "come, none o'thy camperlash"
canister - a slang word for the head
cankered - ill-tempered
*cant - to gossip, tell-tales
cantle - a canful
cap - (1) to crown, put the finishing touch to(2) to be beyond one's comprehension (3) to astonish (4) to form a scum when boiling (liquid)
cappil - a patch on the toe of a boot or clog
carant - a portion or share
carpet, carpetting - to scold, a scolding
cazzardly - unsettled (of the weather)
cazletty - dodgy, of questionable nature
caukum/cankum - prank, a foolish joke
cetchin - showery, uncertain (of the weather)
chamber - a sleeping apartment on the ground-floor
chance-child/chilt - child born out of wedlock
chap - used to mean sweetheart "Polly's gotten a chap"
chats - (1) short sticks used for firewood (2) undersized potatoes
chatter - to rattle against one another
chatterbasket - chatterbox
chavins - chaff, bits of broken straw
chawly-chowly - a hand to hand scuffle
cheeny - a large marble (Dobber: Lancs, Kosher: London, Bolly: E Yorks)
chick-chock, chock, chocky - roughness, inequality in a road "There's some desperate bad chocky roads off for the hill"
chimbley - chimney
chin-cough - whooping cough
chommer - to chew
chops - mouth
chowp - to prattle or chatter
chuck! - a word used to call the chickens
chump - (1) a log of wood (2) rascal (3)slang like bloke (4) head "he's off 'is chump
cibble-cabble - altercation, argue, argument
cim-cam - as above
clabe - plaster or daub with (clad)
clack - to snap the fingers, to crack a whip
clag - to clog, to form into a stiff or hard mass
claggy - sticky
clait - (1)to strike, give a smart blow (clout) (2)a small piece of cloth (from Anglo Saxon - clut)
clap-hatch - a garden-gate hung so that it will close or clap to by itself
clapper - (1)a wooden rattle used to frighten away birds (2) the tongue
clap-tongue - a gossip, tale-teller, chatterbox
clem - to deprive of food, to starve
clem-guts - a person who is stingy with food
clench-hooks - claws, talons
clink, clinker - a smart blow, generally on the head
clip - (1)the whole quantity of wool obtained from a flock of sheep in a single shearing (2) embrace (from A.Saxon clyppan)
clock / one o'clock - dandelion seed head
clod - to pelt with clods. A schoolboys' rhyme goes, "Cloddin dee todee, Puddin' dee tomorrow" (dee=day)
clonter - to make a clatter, esp. by walking with heavy boots or clogs
clowisite - a blockhead, simpleton
clump - a special way of setting potatoes which came about as a result of the potato disease. A couple of potatoes are laid together and soil thrown over them. When they begin to sprout, the branches are separated in various directions, and more soil is thrown on the top. The pile of soil is called a clump.This way of growing them was supposed to protect the potatoes from the wet.
cob - (1) a small clump (2) a small loaf
cobblety-cuts, cobnuts - the game of chestnuts or conkers, often started with saying "cobblety-cuts, put dain yur nuts"
cobnobble - to chastise, correct someone
cockstride - the length of a cock's stride "the days are getting a cockstride longer"
cockt - indignant
cocky-keeko - "cock-a-doodle-doo"
cod - to humbug or impose upon, n. an imposition
codgel - to economise, cut back "I welly have to codgel and mend to keep the childern's clooas upo' their backs"
collogle - to coax, induce, persuade
collywest - just the opposite, the wrong way - "Is this the way to the Wilderness?" "Oh no! You're going collywest, you rap-a-tag!"
collywobbles - comic term for illness of any kind
coneygree - rabbit warren
conny - neat, dapper, attractive (comely)like "canny" NE
cotter - a blow, to strike - "He was cottered on the head by a falling branch"
cracky - simple (daft)
cramble - hobble
crasher - slang for a lie
craze - to ply with incessant questions or requests
creakin'/ creechy - ill, out of sorts
creave - to pilfer and conceal stealthily
crimble - (1) when a cheese crumbles (2) to hunch oneself up (3) to avoid certain places, pick one's way about
crink/ crit - an undergrown apple
crisp - to begin to freeze
crodle - a large marble made of stone
crom-full - crammed full (sometimes rom-jom-crom-full!)
croodle - to crouch down or nestle up to
crop-wood - the outside branches cropped from a felled tree
crossil - ashes, cinders - "burnt to a crossil"
crow-foot - a buttercup
crow-road, "by the crow-road" - as the crow flies. The shortest distance between two points.
cruddle - curdle
crumble - a crumb
crumpsy - cross, grumpy
cuckoo-spit - the frothy matter which appears on the leaves and stems of plants in early summer
cuckoo-wuts - oats sown after the cuckoo has come