E e
Earthnut - pignut
earwig - phrase "to stare like a throttled earwig"
ease up - to make room
edge o'neight - nightfall (This is a literal translation of the Welsh phrase min yr hwyr)
edley-medley - confusedly
*eeam - near "They liven eeam by the chapel"
eekle - an icicle
eeverage - work done for a landlord for free. Boon-work
eezin - the eaves of a house
egg - eager "He inna very egg on at it" meaning he doesn't like it very much (derived from the Icelandic eggja) Maybe this is where the phrase egging someone on comes from?
eighteen pence - conceit, vanity, show of importance. A person is said to have a great deal of eighteen pence about them.
ess-lurdin - a person or animal that likes to get close to the fire. A mistress said of her servant "Hoo's a terrible ess-lurdin, auvays comin' croodlin' i'th' fire, stid o' gettin' on with her work". Ess is a Cheshire word for ashes.
ess-mexen - the mixen or heap upon which the ashes are thrown
eye - a hole, such as is frequently seen in bread or badly made cheese
eye-hole - a depression in a potato