G g
gabber - the noise of talking
gaffer - the master, overseer
gafty - vicious, roguish
gallous - mischievous
(by) galores - abundantly
gammock - fun and games
gape - to yawn
gawby - foolish, idiotic
gawky - a clownish, awkward person
gawfin - a clown
gawm - to grasp, or to comprehend
gawmless - dull, lacking understanding
gennell, ginnell - alleyway, small passage
getherin' - a collection
Brown George - common sort of bread
Gib & Gill - male and female ferret
Gillhooter - an owl
gizzum - the mouth
glab, glabber - foolish, idle talk
glassey - a marble made of coloured glass
glaster - a mixture of buttermilk and water
gleeds - the red hot embers of a wood fire
gleg - to look furtively or askance
glent, glint - a glimpse
gloppen, gloppent - to astonish or stupefy
glottened, glockent - astonished or stupefied
glore - a glow
gobba-gaw - a foolish chatterbox
Gobbinshire - "Gobbinshire, Gobbinshire,
Gobbinshire Green,
The ronkest owd beggar
as ever was seen"
goblin,goosegog - a gooseberry, also goosgog
goggaz - to stare
gollop, gollup - swallow greedily
gommeril - a foolish or awkward person
*Goody - familiar greeting to an old woman
gradely - orderly, normal, well-appointed, with nothing lacking (from Icelandic greidligr = ready)
graft - a spade's depth
granny-reared - an over-indulged, spoilt child
grashun - ripe fruit
grein linnet - the greenfinch
grien winter - a warm winter, without much frost or snow
grew - to stick to a saucepan
grig - heather, from the Welsh grug
griggy - a louse, from the Welsh grugiad = an ant
grinagog - a stupid grinning person
grindlestone - grinding stone, saddle quern
grout/growt - poor beer
grubbed - envious, jealous
grump - to crunch
grunt - to grumble
guardful - careful
guggle - to swallow
gulch - to bulge out, burst out
gulf - to swallow greedily
gullet - a long, narrow piece of land or a narrow alley, street
gully - a gosling, generally a very young one - older goslings are gyezlin'
Guttit - Good-tide or Shrove -tide