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Trugs gather all their leftover food from their Midwinter celebrations and make Fruit Fumble, a rich fruit cake. All Little Folk bring a cutting of the tree that their New Year takes its name from into their homes. Our 2014 is the Year of the Hazel.



Noggins Day: Little Folk give gifts to each other on this day and dance to fiddle tunes. Noggins Day gets its name from Noggin Farm where the Stompers have long known about Trugs and their friends, and have always given them gifts of milk and potatoes, particularly in Winter when food is in short supply.



Warblings Night: This is also the night when traditionally all the 'teenage' Little Folk who are brave enough, will run through the main street of Bollington singing as loudly as they dare, to see if anyone will notice. This strange festival is not as daring as it seems, since most people are too busy making their own music in the various public houses to notice what amounts to muffled squeakings in the street!



 Four and Twenty Day - (24 days after Noggins Day) A great party is held, usually in one of the Coppice Folk's round houses. After midnight, Trolls are said to be out and about and at their most mischievous. The party ends at midnight when all Little Folk rush outside banging loud drums and singing boisterously to scare the trolls away. It is a long time since anyone has seen a troll, even the Hogboons!



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