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Haymaking and fruit picking starts this month. Strawberry Hill is a very busy place. Stompers visit the fruit farm near the Coppice. July is also a month of merriment.


Full Moon: 

The Water Sprites annual boat race is held today. Boats are made out of anything and everything, and raced in one of the rivers, ponds or lakes in the area. Tiny Folk also have a boat building competition to see which will hold the most stones before sinking! The loser of the boat race traditionally makes a great speech, is given a prize, and is then pushed into the water. (All Little Folk are good swimmers)



Mizzlenizzle: Whatever the weather on this day, Little Folk say it will continue the same for a "threeweek".



New Moon:

On July's New Moon the Oak Folk hold their Ale Tasting festival, and to accompany this, they also have competitions for the best harpist, the best piper, the best drummer and the best poet. It is alot like the Welsh Eisteddfod.

Hemlock's Birthday? Hemlock the Horrid arrived in the Lands of the Little Folk under July's New Moon, bringing with him a tiny baby who grew up to be Hemlock of Black Hill. This is taken to be his birthday. Those who are brave enough leave small gifts at the foot of Black Hill although this is a dying custom..




Aethling Day or Prince's Day: A celebration is held commemorating the Legend of Eadwulf, the Prince of Adlington.














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