N n
naffle, nafflin' - to trifle, do small jobs
Nappatanzer - a comic term of depreciation applied to an animal or person
napper - to patter with one's feet
napper-kneed - knock kneed
naps - lavender
nazzy - irritable, peevish and cross-tempered
Neddy - a donkey
neezle - v. to snuggle
nesh - soft, effeminate (Anglo Saxon word hnesc = soft)
*"never no more" - never again
nib - a projecting piece on a piece of wood, when it has been partially sawn and then split
nick - to steal "Nick it, nack it, find it, tak it"
niggedy-naggety - nasty-tempered
niggle - a jogging trot, "We wenten at a bit of a niggle"
ninny-neeno - a musical instrument made by blowing through folded leaves of certain plants, which are around a comb. Like a paper and comb whistle.
*nip - to go quickly
nipper - a young person, and specifically a waggoner's lad
nizzly - drizzly - see mizzle
nobble - to beat
*nobbut - nothing but - "You'll have nobbut a moog o'lobscouse for supper"
noggin - a wooden vessel for supping from(see piggin)
noggintle - a nogginful (see piggintle)
Noddy(Tom Noddy) - a silly fellow
noggen, noggen-yedded - a bungler, blockhead
nog, noggy - a child's word for a clog
nogging - wattle & daub
nointer - a mischievous lad
nominy - rigmarole, to do
nongle - to nod
noodlin' - awkward, stupid
nook - (1) the ingle or chimney corner in old-fashioned open fireplaces (2) a portion, quantity "A good 'nook' of the money was gone"
nookshotten - shot into a corner, discarded. Usually used for cheese put aside as being inferior
"noo danger" - "no fear" - no chance of something happening
norry - muscular, sturdy "I never seid sich a norry youth" (This probably comes from the French word nourri = well nourished)
nose - the blossom on the ends of ripe gooseberries or currants
nose-hole - nostril
noss-chilt - a nurse child, a child put out to nurse
nossro - a shrew mouse. So called because of its long nose
noss-wench - a nursery maid
nottins - wheat which refuses to be separated from the husks in threshing
nowt - a good-for-nothing, vicious or disreputable person
nud - to nod with the head
*nuddle off - to go away
nudge - gnat
nuncle - an uncle
nunkut - awkward, clumsy (Anglo Saxon uncud = uncouth)
nur - "Hey's a reight-dain nur of a fellow" a hard-working man
*nut - the head
nuzzle - to poke the nose into
nuzzler - a mouse's nest caught up in the teeth of a mowing machine.