U u
unbethink, underbethink - to remember, recollect ""Ah knowd his features, but ah couldna like unbethink mysel on his name"
underling - an animal which is bullied by others
urchan' - hedgehog
ungain - (1)awkward (2)ill-fitting (3)inconvenient, indirect (Icelandic word gegn = handy)
unhinge - inactive, stiff-jointed
unhooder - to take off the 'hoods' from corn-hattocks. The pile of sheaves is capped by a hood, a thatch like roof made of straw, to keep the rain off the harvest until it is ready to be moved.
unwady - soon consumed, uneconomical
up-end - to overturn, upset "If tha ses anny moor t'mey, h'll up-end thee"
uphowd - to uphold, assert, verify "That's true ah'll uphowd it"
upshoot - (1)an uproar, a row (2)an upshot, an issue
upsides - even "Hoo's auvays agate o' mey, but I'll bey upsides with 'er yet afore I've done with her"
upstairs - high, considerable "I've gotten a good, upstairs price for my cheise"
"Up to the knocker" - smart and proper (like up to the nines) "Hoo was dressed up to the knocker"
*ussels - ourselves
utick - folk-name for a whinchat because of its call "u-tick tick tick"
uzzard - the old name for the letter 'Z' "as crookit as a uzzard"